The house
I've taken a rather unintentional break from writing in the chaos of the holiday season. Not only did the most beautiful girl turn four two days before Christmas, but I was busily...Okay, frantically, working to get my dad's Christmas present completed in time. I did, but there were...Issues, shall we say? I'll say this, the video is in the process of being redone given the issues I had. Lovely. 

But this is not a 'woe is me' post, oh no! This is to share with you who the story of the best present given this Christmas in my family (and no, it wasn't mine). My sister had shared with me what my very creative and can-make-anything brother-in-law had made for my dad's Christmas present, but I had completely forgotten about it until my dad opened that gift. 

I don't have a picture of it right now, but I'll get one and post it on here, though I highly doubt any picture I take will truly do it justice. 

This gift, this A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, fabulous, beautifully sentimental work of art was pulled straight from my dad's history. I should tell you, there's a place where my dad and his family lived when he was very young, and though they didn't live their long, it's the place that has stuck deepest in his heart. Anytime we're anywhere near the area and it's daylight, odds are we'll stop and walk the trail back to look at the house(s) - the house they originally lived in, the house my grandpa built, but didn't get to live in, and the barn that my grandpa also built.

Given how young he was and the short time they actually lived there, it's incredible the things my dad remembers...This past summer, following the annual family camping trip, the family went wandering through the trails, and for the first time since we've been visiting, were able to go down to the house. While there my brother-in-law took a piece of wood from the old (and yes, falling apart) house with a plan quickly taking root in his mind. 

The end result of taking that lone piece of wood was a gift so beautiful, so unbelievably perfect that my dad was brought instantly to tears. He had taken this old piece of wood and on there he had welded frames out of black metal and using nails from an old house that had been demolished, he secured pictures in those frames from their excursion on this piece of my dad's history. It was inspired. So this year, my brother-in-law wins the award for best gift ever. 

Hope you had a wonderful holiday with equally magical moments! Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year!

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