When it comes time for planning your child’s birthday, which type of party do you prefer, an at-home party or a destination party? Which do the kids prefer? I want your opinions!

Below, you’ll find two polls: The first is for parents who currently have young children, the second is for people without children, parents of older/grown children, or the kids themselves. I want all of your opinions.

Note: If you like to alternate, what type of party you do year-to-year, feel free to make any explanations in the ‘why’ sections.

If this piece gets picked up for print, I’ll let you know when and where you can find it. Thanks so much for your help!

    At-home vs. Destination Parties: The parent perspective
    (If you currently have young children, then this is the poll for you)!

    At-home vs. Destination Parties: For kids and kids at heart
    (If you have older children, you were/are a kid, then this is the poll for you)!

1/31/2011 09:45:03 pm

Christy Kramer
1/31/2011 10:22:16 pm


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