Yesterday was a marvelous day. The girl who I have claimed to be the little sister I've always dreamed of having, graduated college yesterday. Graduations, like baptisms and weddings, always make me a little misty. I'm hopelessly sentimental that way. 

However, as speaker after speaker approached the podium, my mind wandered to things other than the event happening before me. I looked at the graduates seated where I sat seven years ago, remembering how I anxiously awaited this piece of paper that would declare me to be set on the right path. Five years of hard work, several changes in majors later, there I was...Following my dream. Right? I wondered if that too was what they were thinking. Maybe. Probably. 

So the longer I sat and the longer I watched, my gaze strayed towards those graduates who were to receive their Masters degrees, many having earned degrees in areas I had assumed I would one day be striving towards. Now...I'm not so sure. 

I've taken the big step (to me anyways) lately of sharing with my husband that I'd really like to find a way to write full-time when Abby goes to kindergarten. I (we) had always assumed when she went to school I would find my way back to the human services world and do my thing, but now I just don't know. This dream that had long laid dormant is back with a vengeance. Back when I first started writing for (nearly a year now, can you believe it?!) my aunt who is an incredible writer and photographer shared some advice with me about what it takes to make it work. 

Thus far, though, I've wrapped myself into the safety of my little writing bubble with my Examiner column and writing for Simply Family, but I know I've got to suck it up and start looking at more things. I've got to get over my fear of NO and just go. The only trouble? I've been saying this for awhile now, and I just keep pansying out. But if I'm going to put this plan into action and show my husband and myself that it's possible to do this, then I'd say a little action is actually required here. Gee, who woulda thunk it? I won't know if I don't try and if I don't try, I'll always wonder. 

So here we go, {deep breath} it's time to start figuring out if I can be what I want to be when I grow up. 

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