Over in TV Moms land (you know, my TV Moms column) we're spicing things up a little bit for some Friday fun. 

This past week we played a little game of Name That TV Mom on my TV moms Facebook page - TV Moms: The good. The bad. The crazy. and turned it into a battle between the page and the TVMoms101 Twitter followers.  Well, I had so much fun with that, that I decided to turn it into a weekly series for the column. 

Today, Friday, August 12, 2011 gave us our first puzzle: 

Name That TV Mom - Can you solve the puzzle? 

As the weeks go on and I find my groove in this you can expect things to get a little more challenging and for this blog to play an accompanying role in this party. Meaning you'll be able to come here for bonus hints and clues. 

So, I invite you to head on over to the wonderful and lovely land of TV moms and hop on board solving the puzzle of this week's very first mystery mama. 

Thanks for playing! Stay tuned...

1/24/2012 09:07:13 pm

THX for info


good post

2/25/2012 02:16:43 pm

Thank you for data

3/27/2012 04:17:25 am

Great info, thanks

3/31/2012 06:50:16 am

Fine post dude

7/13/2012 12:15:06 pm

Nice article dude


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