What's your favorite Dr. Suess read? Photo by: Amazon.com
Today, March 2, 2011 is National Dr. Seuss Day. It's pretty incredible,  the staying power of Dr. Seuss' work. The Cat in the Hat was released in 1954 and is still a kid favorite today - as are so many of his books. Amazing. 

Today I compiled my personal Top 5 list of Dr. Seuss must-reads and discovered there are quite a few I've never had the privilege to read. You better believe our next trip to the library will be spent perusing the Dr. Seuss selection.

Here's a little taste of my list: 
  1. I Can Read with My Eyes Shut! - The Cat in the Hat makes a return starring appearance in this special Seuss book. A constant must-read as a child, it was also one of my first solo reads. 
  2. Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! - Not discovered until after I became a mother, it quickly became a favorite to read to my daughter. I loved everything this book had to offer. Colors for her to recognize, the common Seuss-silliness in the rhyming flow of the words, to the inherent idea of the book in “The thinks you can think up if only you try!” Reminding kiddos the beauty of their imaginations...Read more

As I was pondering over which books to include in my list, I found myself thinking about the things that make these books great. Why have they remained an important part of children's literature for decades? As I paged through my favorites, I thought back to the first grade when I struggled with certain aspects of reading. It gave me serious anxiety. Even though I loved the idea of reading and words even then. I wondered if perhaps the silly, made-up words don't give beginning readers a sense of confidence. I mean they're so very often words completely drawn from the imagination of Dr. Seuss, and they end up creating the silliest of rhymes...It's almost like a child can't go wrong when reading his books. 

In the end, I don't really know. What do you think? What is it about Dr. Seuss books that has made them so incredibly timeless?

To get my list in its entirety, please head on over to my Examiner.com column where it was initially published. (Also don't forget to tell us what Dr. Seuss books make up your top reads). 
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Thank you for all of your fantastical books of imagination and rhyming. 

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