Note to self: Despite the numerous books on parenting available, there is no actual rulebook to guide you through the process. This is unfortunate. 

My most recent Fun Friday piece lists 10 things no one tells you before you become a parent (which could actually be a good thing), and number five on this list was probably the most currently pertaining out of all of them for us - well that and number ten. Number five basically talks about the challenges of following through on the consequences we set out for our children. 

Note to self: This is quite possibly one of the hardest things about parenting - consistency and follow through. 

The ladybug has recently decided it would be more fun to play during her naptime instead of sleep - this would be fine if I thought she didn't legitimately still need a nap. On the days she wins and nary a snore is to be heard from her room, the evenings are drama central. So, what's a frustrated mama to do? I had threatened to take her toys away, but had yet to actually have to back up my words...Last week she lost her toys in her room. 

Note to self: Sticking to my guns is infinitely harder than anticipated when she oh so pathetically and heartbreakingly sobs over each special (and not so special) as it was placed in a box. Being the lawmaker is not all roses and sunshine. 

It took her three days to earn those toys back, and this week she lost them again. I am going to win this battle, darn it! As I type this she's up there dreaming the afternoon away, and I'm thinking the real thing no one ever tells you is that it's often hard to know if you're on the right track...Or anywhere in the neighborhood of the right track, and it's only going to get more challenging. 

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