Not only is October a month for raising awareness for Down syndrome, but for many others as well. A recent Examiner article of mine explores all the various issues awareness is being raised for during the month of October.

When I got the list I noticed there were some topics I had recently covered. This particular article is my "hub article" so to speak, which provides brief information (in some cases) about that particular subject, links to articles already completed on the topic, or the promise for articles to come. I'm blown away at all the pertinent issues being addressed this autumn month.

To take a peek at all that's happening this month, you'll, of course, be directed over to my Examiner page for all that informative goodness. Be sure to keep checking back throughout the month, or hey, subscribe to my Examiner articles so you can be sure you won't miss a thing.

Learn more about what's happening this month: October is a month of bringing awareness

*(Originally written/posted on October 6, 2010)

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