It's safe to say that we have official progress happening! I am thrilled to share with you that my first article for Simply Family Magazine is in the January edition of the magazine. You can access it online at or if you're in the area, you can snag a copy (for free, no less) at the local libraries and at various locations around town. My article can be found on page 31. 

I don't have anything slated for the February edition, but you can (hopefully) look for my work again in March and April. 

With my column cruising along and kicking off the New Year with my first article to be on actual paper, I'd say we're off to a good start. 
3/21/2011 02:01:13 pm

Thanks for your content and I will go back again soon because this place is so interesting .ual paper, I'd say we're off to a good start.


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