I just love when I get all of three words into a new article and get stuck. So rather than beat my head against the keyboard, I come here to whine about it. (Hence the rolling laughter under our accompanying photograph).  

My theory is that if I distract myself by writing about something else entirely, I will magically be inspired by the most perfect words ever. 

...Yeah, we'll see how that works out for me. I've already started and abandoned another writing project today - I am on a roll.

While I was on vacation I was awarded with the Kreativ Blogger Award by Valerie Owens. This is genuinely a nice treat - who doesn't love being told they landed on someone's top 10 list? However, once received you have to pass on the love with a top 10 list of your own. I thought I'd sit down and whip that bad boy out in no time at all...Yeah. No. I think I got to #5 on my list before I wimped out, hit save, and tucked it away for later. Not to be forgotten, just...Paused. 

So nap time was not so productive today and the daycare kiddos were just picked up, and I should actually be getting ready to head into town for a family dinner, but here I am - procrastinating on all fronts of my life. It's just so me

I guess I'm not being a horrible whiny mcwhinerson, more just an avoidy mcvoiderson. With that, I think I should call a cease and desist order on all of my procrastinating, go get ready, and know that the words will flow from my fast typing fingers upon my return home tonight. Well, after I've tucked the wee one into bed, that is. Cross your fingers for me. Catch ya on the flip side. 

8/18/2012 10:19:33 pm

Hi, really enjoyed reading your blog. Easy to read and 'chatty'. I use my blog as an excuse to procrastinate from uni work or when I'm stuck for the right words too. Good luck with unblocking your writers block


8/20/2012 03:25:53 am

Hey, thanks so much for stopping by; I really appreciate your comments. Too kind. ( :


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