It’s amazing to me how the little things can make a day perfection. Today, for me, was a day filled with little things that made my heart ache at their simplistic beauty.

It was the sound of singing birds, the joy on a child’s face, the love of two brothers…

Our morning started off as most Sundays do – in a rush. Abby and I were rushing out the door; running late - nothing new there, but then it happened…A moment so perfect in its sweetness, that I remember actually thinking, “Slow down, let her enjoy this moment like only a child can.” On the first day of spring it was fitting that we experienced our first morning serenade from the birds. Abby was enchanted by the sound, exclaiming, “Birds! They’re tweeting to me! Tweet, tweet, tweet! I talking to the birds!”

That one little moment allowed us to shake off the stressed out feelings of the morning rush and just…be.

Once at church it was time for our annual Lenten baking of “Praying Arm Pretzels” and that brought so many little moments in and of itself. The joy the kids have as they roll out their pieces of dough and form them; it’s beautiful. Such a little thing, yet it’s their favorite Chapel Time activity.

Later, as I sat in church with my family, two of my nephews at my side, I happened to glance over at them in time to witness a moment that made my heart ache. My sister’s youngest son was snuggled up to his older brother and Tommy had slipped his hand into Austin’s. It was just one of those moments that was so tender and sweet that I wanted to bottle it up to save for a rainy day.

Today was my reminder to stop and enjoy the little things; I hope you will too.

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