News of singer Amy Winehouse's death hit the web this afternoon, July 23, 2011, and it has created a flurry of reactions across the massive community that is the internet. 

I'm not popping in today to give you any of the news information on her death, rather, I want to talk about people's reactions to this news. 

Amy Winehouse was 27 years old, an incredible artist, and an addict. But above all she was a human being. It seems that basic concept is forgotten when you see people respond with blasé  statements, like: 

It was only a matter of time.
~ No shocker there. 
~ Sad, but not surprising. 
~ GOOD!!! 
~ Not at all surprised.
                    --via Twitter and Facebook
I could go on, but it should be noted that the cause of death has not been determined yet. We can assume all we want, but as of this writing we don't know how or why she died. Even if eventually we learn that she died as a result of drug usage, can't we demonstrate a little compassion for those left behind and a lost life? 

Obviously everyone has a right to their own opinions, but out there in the real world Amy Winehouse has friends and family who love her - faults and all. Not one of us is perfect, yet it's so easy to toss judgments out. I do it; we all do. But today I just want us to think of one thing - there are people whose worlds shattered today because Ms. Winehouse is no longer in it. 

And let us not forget there's a lot going on in our world at large today that could use our sensitivity, sympathy, and prayers. Those coping with and recovering from the attack in Norway, our military, and countless individuals whose stories will never be told. 

I guess what I'm saying is, let's take it back to kindergarten: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all

Thanks for letting me divert from the norm. 

7/23/2011 06:41:32 pm

Nicely said.

7/23/2011 07:10:07 pm

Thank you.

7/24/2011 01:44:32 am

Just suprised someone would feel the need to write this. I understande we need compastion,but when someone writes a song about not going to rehab n dies maybe from drugs maybe not but they sure helped her get there. Understand that there is compation behind these words, but again not suprising she passed , still I have sorry for those who loved n knew her. As of those who simple write good...well I can see how they would think that. Jelous of her fame n talent, maybe didn't settle right one the ears.

If you felt the need to write this, can you tell me you wrote about the parties in the streets of new york when osoma died? Granted he was a bad man but its all in the same,I can understande being overjoyed but parties and celebrations...I'm sorry that's a bit much america

7/24/2011 05:05:56 am

@ Flip - Thank you for taking the time to comment. It's not the first time I've thought this, but it is the first time I've chose to write about it. And actually, as I wrote this I thought about the country's reaction after Osama bin Laden was killed, but no, you're right I didn't write anything then.

And we still don't know for sure what the cause of death was - regardless, I just (obviously) think a little compassion is called for here. At the end of the day, I just think everyone has a family and you've got to have some respect for that.

7/24/2011 05:38:46 am

About time someone wrote this.

7/24/2011 11:37:48 am


7/24/2011 11:59:18 am

With this article being said we should show compassion and remorse for everyone else' death. I guess you forgotten the reaction to Osama Bin Laden's death from America. How thousands of people gathered and celebrated for a person's death. Don't be such a hypocrite. Although it is a relief of Osama's stature to be delcared gone, but to celebrate a death? That is just inhumane.

7/25/2011 07:01:46 am

The victims in our military and the attack on Norway deserve a hell of a lot more respect than amy winehouse. I sympathize with people who were close to her but honestly I don't really give a crap. Write about more important stuff... amy winehouse was not a role model and should not be such a central force in our media.

7/27/2011 04:38:54 pm

We feel bad that she died, okay? We fucking know it hurts for her family, and we respect that she was a person just like us. UNLIKE US, however, she has been running head first at death for years. She knew it, we knew it, and acting surprised or hurt by her death is almost mockery. Wake up, blog writer, Amy Winehouse knew she would die. Don't feel bad for her, do you really think it's that bad? How bad do you think death is, are you really that afraid of it? Get over that, or the rest of your life will suck.

7/27/2011 05:06:50 pm

Gracious! I have struck a chord...
Okay - I hear what you're saying folks and I get that there are some seriously, important things happening out in our world today and apparently it's an issue that I chose not to write about them. I'd say "my bad," but at the time I was struck by this because so many times I've read stories in my own local paper where we don't have all the facts and we run rampant condemning the deceased. It has never sat right with me and hey I had an outlet to speak, so I ran with it. My blog is not a news-y hotspot, it's not a place where I care to get all political either, but that doesn't mean I'm oblivious to what else is happening. Nor does it mean that I don't care.

To the last commenter: Despite the fact that Amy Winehouse had basically been on a runaway train for years, I admit, I was still surprised. There I said it. Regardless, that wasn't the point of my post. The point was - have a little respect. Of course I feel bad for her loved ones - how could I not? And this post was not about my fear of death, either. Ultimately it's not death that I fear - it's leaving those I love behind. There's too much beauty waiting on the other side for me to say "I'm afraid of death," but just as I don't want to leave my loved ones behind, I'm selfish, I don't want to lose those I love either. So there you go, more information than you needed, but you asked, I answered.
...And thanks for the concern over my life sucking, but it's pretty fantastic, actually.

Thank you all for commenting and taking the time to read.


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