Jinxed is the parent who even dares to think, "We've sure been healthy this winter. How lucky are we...Crap, no, I didn't just think that, knock on wood..." *sigh* Too late. Such is my life this past week. It had actually looked to be a fairly decent week writing wise, but life had another plan in store. 

On Wednesday my girl had a bit of a cough, but nothing to really raise any red flags...Or so I thought. By the end of the day she had a raging fever - and by raging I mean the highest fever she's had in her four years of life. 103 plus. On top of that, shortly after going to bed for the night the poor girl experienced some unfortunate digestive pyrotechnics. I think it's safe to say that no one actually enjoys the process of throwing up - it's upsetting, yet my poor baby was melting down over the fact that "only babies have accidents." Oh kiddo. Not even close. 

After this first incident I knew we were in for a long night and indeed we were. I should say here that Ask-a-Nurse just might be one of the greatest inventions ever. I'm panicking over the 103+ temperature, ready to dash her to the emergency room, if need be, but the kind nurse talked me back off the ledge. Rather than going into a long and detailed account of the rest of our sleepless night, I'll just say that a phone call was made to my parents at one in the morning and multiple loads of laundry were done throughout the night. 

As I mentioned above, I had all kinds of plans for the writing that would get done this week - I was going to be on top of things, darn it! Alas life had a different plan. Every time I sat down to work, the ladybug needed some snuggles or assistance of some kind or another. And at the end of the day, which hat tops the pile? Mom or Writer? No question there, Mom all the way. Plus, who in their right mind would turn down snuggle time from a normally active 4-year-old?

The following days haven't been any more productive, though I did finally manage to get something pulled together today and that was more a 'have to' than anything since today is National Genealogy Day and I had already been gathering quotes and statements for the article, so I couldn't just let it pass me by. Fortunately, for most of the day Miss Abby seemed to be rebounding...You know, except for the cough that seems to have bombarded her full force now that everything else is simmering down. Ugh. Poor kid. Kind of breaks your heart when your kid's constant refrain is either, "It hurts" or "Why I gotta be sick, mama?" 

So for now this mama is praying for a healthy baby (she's still my baby) and hopefully a more productive coming week.  Oh, and keep your fingers crossed for me, I applied for another online writing job...I'm hoping. 

P.S. The article for Genealogy Day is essentially a celebration of grandparents. My favorite quote used in the article is: "Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation." -Lois Wyse 

To weigh in on why grandparents are so special, go to Celebrating grandparents on National Genealogy Day

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