I came across this little gem in my StumbleUpon wanderings and thought it was too fantastic not to share. 

I love the list, but figured I/we could add a few of our own. So I'll give you mine and I'd love it if you'd share yours in the comments and we'll have ourselves a little happy-day party. 

Life's Natural Highs continued...

~ A rainy, snuggly, stay-in-bed-reading kind of day
~ Being taken back in time by a song
~ Making your spouse laugh
~ Laughing so hard you cry
~ Playing at the park
~ Hearing a child's belly laugh

~ A random compliment
~ Being known
Laughing so hard it turns into a giggle-snort
~ The perfect set that results in a hardwood-pounding kill (yes, I'd be talking about volleyball here)
~ The tug of a fish at the end of your fishing pole
~ A spine-tingling kiss

Okay, now it's your turn: keep our list growing in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!

Check out the 'Simply Family' online: click on the photo.
I'm excited to share that I got my first cover story with Simply Family magazine! Mine would be the New Beginnings: Surviving the Kindergarten Drop Off

You can check out the magazine online at www.simplyfamilymagazine.com 

My article begins on page 34 if you're interested in checking it out. 

Even with the excitement over this being my first article featured on a cover, this is one of my favorite pieces that I've submitted thus far. It's probably a toss up over the article on onlies and this one I'd say. 

Random ponderment: Is claiming a favorite piece of written work like telling your kids you prefer one over the other? 

At any rate, an exciting new step in my journey as a freelance writer. 

Thanks for reading...Stay tuned! 

Confession: An outdoorsy kind of girl I’m not. Hiking, hunting, camping…I'd really rather pass. Fishing, is good, I can work with fishing. And, so, you ask? Well as I sit here scratching far too many mosquito bites, I'm reflecting on this past weekend when the family went on our annual camping trip. As we were getting things set up – sweltering, with the mosquitoes already beginning their feasting - I think my words were, “This is my idea of hell.” Clearly not a fan.

It’s not that I don’t have fond memories of camping from childhood, I do, but still…I don’t get it. Dirt, bugs, heat, rain, uncomfortable sleeping, daringly eating your meals on a floppy paper plate…Even still, I can recognize that it’s not all bad. So I give you…

5 Reasons Camping Is Not the Worst Thing on Earth:

1. The stars - It’s not like I don’t have a stellar view of the stars in the sky from home, but I’m telling you, there was something awe-inspiring about the clearness and total beauty of those stars this weekend. There is something utterly spectacular about a Montana sky. I guess they don’t call it Big Sky Country for nothing.  

2. Watching my kiddo have oodles of fun - I might not be a fan, but my kid did not get the memo. Running amuck with her cousins, finding whole new levels of brave, fishing...She had a blast and all while reminding me that she's so good at letting me know when it's time to let her go to grow. 

3. Campfire – I might not actually enjoy s’mores (and no, I don’t consider this a fatal flaw), but I do totally love watching everyone find that fine line of perfectly toasting their ‘mallows to hopelessly burning them beyond anything edible. Plus…What could possibly be better than a rousing game of name that tune around the campfire. Gone are the days of the sing-along, no, now it’s time to bust out the i-pod. Welcome to camping in the 21st century. 

4. Mishaps – In our family, it just wouldn’t be any kind of vacation without some kind of something going wrong. One family member suggesting our next year’s camping trip be dubbed: “The Griswold’s family camping trip,” kind of says it all. 

5. The bugs…No the dirt…No, no the weather – So none of these things really gets my happy on, but the bugs at least are good for a few funnies. You know…The awesomeness of watching people as they flail about attempting to rid themselves of these pesky, blood-sucking monsters. The bonding that occurs as you take turns fogging each other in an effort to create an impenetrable wall of bug-be-gone. Bugs, in a round about kind of way, can bring the funny, dirt and weather…Not so much.

So no, an outdoorsy girl I’m not (and don’t tell my family I said this), but it’s not the most horrifyingly awful experience to ever be had. That wasn’t much of a glowing recommendation, was it? Baby steps.  

And in case my use of "amuck" got this moment in Hocus Pocus stuck in your melon...There ya have it. 

Okay, so it's not the new adventures of Winnie the Pooh, but it is the new adventures of me...This picture is just cuter. 

Now that August is nearly upon us, I'm thinking it's time to share my latest news in writing land. 

You might have noticed that in the last month or so I've been focusing primarily on my TV Moms Examiner column and less and less on my Billings Early Childhood/Parenting things. There's a reason for that. 

Earlier this month I met with the founder of the local magazine I regularly submit articles to and starting in August I'll be taking on a more active role on their website. I'll be doing some blogging about various parenting topics for them, and I'm excited to see where this will take me. This doesn't mean that I'm totally abandoning my Billings Examiner column, but odds are you'll only see the occasional article published there from here on out. I'll of course keep you posted on where and how you can keep up with me on the Simply Family website once everything gets up and running. 

Also in the land of random, but awesome: in July I had received an e-mail about a scavenger hunt that DoSomething.org was putting on with the suggestion that it might be a good tie-in for my TV Moms column. I definitely agreed and this exchange turned out to be a beautiful God-incidence in the making. Working on an upcoming piece for a magazine, the person who e-mailed me turned out to be the perfect source. She was incredible in answering my questions and it was just all around amazing. When I can let you know a little more about that, I totally will. 

Until then...Stay tuned, and thanks for reading. 

I've always said that if you're going to choose to write about something that could be considered controversial, you've got to be prepared for the responses you get. I still think that, but I thought I'd toss out a response of sorts to some of the comments I've been getting on the Amy Winehouse post I put up on Saturday. 

First, can I say: thanks for taking the time to comment - I'm a writer so knowing someone is reading what I've written never hurts my feelings - even if we disagree. Second, I know there are incredibly important, powerful, and devastating things happening in our world at large. I promise you I'm not totally oblivious. My lack of coverage on various world topics isn't a lack of caring, it's just not the direction I usually go in my writing. 

There are certain things I absolutely don't feel qualified to comment on and there are others that I don't feel fall in my niche. I have my opinions - we all do, but I'd say it's safe to say that you will never catch me using my corner of the web for a place to discuss the latest political happenings or major world events (I'm talking honest-to-God news here). That's not who I am.

You'll have your opinions and I'll have mine, but mostly this blog is just me putting out whatever random thoughts that happen to be flitting through my brain that day or letting you know what kind of progress or epic fail I've experienced with my writing. 

Ahhh, with all of that said, I do think debate is important so really and truly; thanks for stopping by, reading my work, and taking the time to comment. It keeps things interesting. 

Until next time...
News of singer Amy Winehouse's death hit the web this afternoon, July 23, 2011, and it has created a flurry of reactions across the massive community that is the internet. 

I'm not popping in today to give you any of the news information on her death, rather, I want to talk about people's reactions to this news. 

Amy Winehouse was 27 years old, an incredible artist, and an addict. But above all she was a human being. It seems that basic concept is forgotten when you see people respond with blasé  statements, like: 

It was only a matter of time.
~ No shocker there. 
~ Sad, but not surprising. 
~ GOOD!!! 
~ Not at all surprised.
                    --via Twitter and Facebook
I could go on, but it should be noted that the cause of death has not been determined yet. We can assume all we want, but as of this writing we don't know how or why she died. Even if eventually we learn that she died as a result of drug usage, can't we demonstrate a little compassion for those left behind and a lost life? 

Obviously everyone has a right to their own opinions, but out there in the real world Amy Winehouse has friends and family who love her - faults and all. Not one of us is perfect, yet it's so easy to toss judgments out. I do it; we all do. But today I just want us to think of one thing - there are people whose worlds shattered today because Ms. Winehouse is no longer in it. 

And let us not forget there's a lot going on in our world at large today that could use our sensitivity, sympathy, and prayers. Those coping with and recovering from the attack in Norway, our military, and countless individuals whose stories will never be told. 

I guess what I'm saying is, let's take it back to kindergarten: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all

Thanks for letting me divert from the norm. 

While I was on vacation, I received the Kreativ Blogger Award from Valerie Owens, who stumbled across my blog during the MomSquawk contest. And then I got sick, and getting to my part of receiving this award and moving it along took longer than I had expected. But a big thank you to Valerie for considering me worthy of your top 10 list, it truly gave my heart the warm fuzzies. 

And then it got put off even more because there are two rules to the Kreativ Blogger award: 1) I get to pass along this award along to 10 other bloggers, let them know about it, and they get to carry on the award with a list of their own top 10 bloggers. And 2) You've got to share 10 things about yourself. Well, coming up with 10 blogs that I legitimately read was one major challenge. So, in order to get this thing moving, I kind of adapted the rules a little bit because I didn't want to just pull bloggers out of my hat whose blogs I've never read. That didn't seem quite right...

So, let's get started with my top 6 list of Kreativ Bloggers (they are listed in no particular order), and if you’re not already a fan of these bloggers, clearly I think they're fabulous, so why not hop on board and check them out? 

If you’re on the list, I hereby bestow upon you the pleasure of choosing 6 more award-winning blogs!  And don't forget to share 6 things about yourself that no one knows.  Congrats to these 6 ladies and good luck!

  1. Mary Kibbe ~ Hurricane Riley & his Big Brother Rex ~ Mary is someone who I didn't discover, rather she is one of my sister's best friends, and as such has become sort of a surrogate big sister. Her blog began as an outlet and a way to connect with other families who have children with Down syndrome. Mary has a unique sense of humor that shines through in her posts. She's a little busy with life right now, but I know she'll be sending us a post soon. (I hope...with video. Of Riley...playing soccer...Just a suggestion). 
  2. Lisa Douglas ~ Crazy Adventures in Parenting ~ I actually just recently discovered this blog when I was doing a random Google search on parenting and up popped Lisa's blog. It was her tagline that immediately drew me in: Mom of six. Coffee Welcomed. Sanity Optional. From those words on, I was hooked. Check her out, you will be too. 
  3. Beth ~ Being a Mom. Keeping the Faith, and Funny Stories ~ So Beth is a mama blogger who I "met" through Examiner.com. She's a parenting writer in her own neck of the woods and she has a real way with words. I love that I can feel her faith embedded in everything she writes, even when she's not talking specifically about her faith. 
  4. Jennifer King ~ Spend Less, Shop More ~ Jenn King is another gal I met via the wonderful world of Examiner.com, and if ever there was a goddess of couponing and deal finding, this lady is it. Seriously. She's crazy amazing. You've got to check out her brilliance. 
  5. Tiffany Townsend ~ Elastamom's Excerpts ~ I almost feel silly nominating Tiffany for this award, because to me she's like the rock star of incredible mom blogs. Really and truly. I discovered her via Mary, and you're missing out if you don't check out this mom's humor and strength.
  6.  Rachael Monaco ~ Frugal Living by Rachael ~ Rachael's blog will connect you with incredible recipes and obviously frugal living tips and tricks. Rachael is one incredibly busy writer - she's got multiple titles with Examiner.com and she works incredibly hard fine-tuning the recipes that she shares with her readers. 

~ 6 Things About Me ~ 
  1. The opening song/credits to the movie Bewitched make me feel slightly nauseous every time I watch it. I watched it repeatedly when I was pregnant and sick and apparently my brain hasn't forgotten that sensation.  
  2. If I'm drinking a bottle of anything and it happens to get shaken after it's been drunk out of...I won't drink anymore of it. I think it ruins the taste. Yes, I know. I'm challenged. 
  3. I'd rather fill my cereal bowl 20 times with bitty bites of cereal and milk, than chance sogginess. Or, you know, forego the milk entirely. 
  4. I feel anxious if I don't have a book with me/near me in some capacity. It is almost physically painful to eat without reading a book. Even if I'm not reading it; I just want to know that it's there. 
  5. Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too by Shel Silverstein is my most favorite poem of all time. 
  6. I don't believe in regrets. Mostly because anytime I look back at something that could be a potential regret, I'm reminded that had I taken a different road I might not have my husband or my daughter. And those two people make any "might have beens" not worth worrying over. 

So there you go, six amazing women bloggers to check out and six things you probably could have gone your entire life without knowing about me. 

Oh, it's been far too long since I've last checked in here. Shame on me! I feel like I'm treating these pretty pages too much like the many journals and diaries I've started and neglected since my childhood. 

But I'm  here now with a conversation I recently had with my daughter running through my melon. It was one of those car conversations - you know, the ones where you look in the rearview mirror at your child's face and your heart breaks a little as you see how quickly time is marching on and you realize in the blink of an eye that sweet little face will be that of a teenager. 

For whatever reason Abby tells me that being 4 is her favorite number and she isn't much looking forward to turning 5. I'm not entirely sure what it is about 5 that she's not at all looking forward to, but with that we got to talking about all the awesomeness that comes with being 5. You get to go to kindergarten (where there is recess!), you'll learn how to tie your shoes, and 5...Well when you're 5 it's as if you've arrived. Sure, you're no baby at 4, but 5, well 5 is like you've officially made it into the land of the big kids. 

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not all that eager for her to turn 5 either. Because she's going to be off to kindergarten (for a whole day! what is that?!), she's going to be well onto the road of being a big kid, and we won't just be an extension of each other anymore...I'm misting just thinking about it! But I'm the mom, so it's my job to put on a happy face and help her to feel brave about what's to come, even if inside I couldn't be feeling any less brave if I tried. She's my only - my baby...I'm already having anxiety over preschool. But I will cheerlead her through every fear and piece of anxiety she has because that's what we do, right? 

So after all the woo!hoo! for 5 party subsided, she asked me what my favorite number was (age) and I even had an answer for her. I did like being 5 because I made my first school best friend in kindergarten and she was the bestest friend ever. But after that I really liked being 8. I got a scooter for my eighth birthday, I invented my imaginary friend Betsy that year, it was good times to be had by all. 

So what number did you like being best? 
I just love when I get all of three words into a new article and get stuck. So rather than beat my head against the keyboard, I come here to whine about it. (Hence the rolling laughter under our accompanying photograph).  

My theory is that if I distract myself by writing about something else entirely, I will magically be inspired by the most perfect words ever. 

...Yeah, we'll see how that works out for me. I've already started and abandoned another writing project today - I am on a roll.

While I was on vacation I was awarded with the Kreativ Blogger Award by Valerie Owens. This is genuinely a nice treat - who doesn't love being told they landed on someone's top 10 list? However, once received you have to pass on the love with a top 10 list of your own. I thought I'd sit down and whip that bad boy out in no time at all...Yeah. No. I think I got to #5 on my list before I wimped out, hit save, and tucked it away for later. Not to be forgotten, just...Paused. 

So nap time was not so productive today and the daycare kiddos were just picked up, and I should actually be getting ready to head into town for a family dinner, but here I am - procrastinating on all fronts of my life. It's just so me

I guess I'm not being a horrible whiny mcwhinerson, more just an avoidy mcvoiderson. With that, I think I should call a cease and desist order on all of my procrastinating, go get ready, and know that the words will flow from my fast typing fingers upon my return home tonight. Well, after I've tucked the wee one into bed, that is. Cross your fingers for me. Catch ya on the flip side. 

These horses are the source of a running joke in my family.
Between a week of vacation and a week of cruddy crud this little corner of the web has been woefully silent. Unfortunately the cruddy crud has not vacated my body, and I am still hacking away, hence why I'm still up when clearly I should be sleeping. But I think that's another story for another day because today {bum ba da bum da duuuum} I am finally going to share something with you that I have been meaning to write for weeks...Maybe even months. Fitting, I'd say. 

Why is it fitting, you ask? Well let me tell you: I have this theory about pregnancy brain. You've heard of it? If not, here's a quick summary. Pregnancy brain occurs in women who are pregnant (shocker, I know); what happens is it seems as though her memory suddenly is not what it once was, her train of thought is constantly getting derailed...

But as I was saying, I have this theory. I don't think the brain ever fully recovers from pregnancy brain, it seems - at least in my case - that there are lingering effects. I have to believe this because I am not that old and there is no other reasonable explanation for thoughts to just vanish into thin air, only to return in the middle of the night where it's akin to tossing it back into a black hole of nothingness. Super. 

I'm not alone in this thinking either. I've discussed this with other mothers and they agree - the pregnancy brain doesn't seem to rebound all the way...Kind of like the waistline, come to think of it. 

So what does this all mean? I don't really know, just something that's been bouncing around my melon for some time and because this is my little corner of the web, I get to do with it what I wish, so there you go. 

In other mindful meanderings, I - and I'm totally not being a smart ankle when I say this - have kind of forgotten where else I was going to go with this. I swear. Non-pregnant-pregnancy brain indeed. Although, in this case I'm perfectly willing to place the blame on lack of sleep and a face that feels like it wants to fall off with each cough. 

I can tell you this, though. That vacation I was on? My little family of three traveled to Minnesota with my parents for a week. We went to some Twins games, rocked the Mall of America, and most importantly my beautiful husband finally got to see some truly important things. You know, like Salem Sue, the largest Holstein cow or those horses on the capital building...But no, in all seriousness, I finally got to show him my gramma's house. And even though we couldn't go inside, we got the requisite pictures out front, and that makes my heart happy. 

Can I just tell you that my daughter just might be the best traveler ever? I mean, wow, what a champ. Granted I can't imagine traveling that distance without movies, but still she was a rock star. On top of that, little miss cautious went on the Log Chute, which is a big kid ride with a steep drop. No tears, no screams - a completely terrified facial expression, but seriously - Rock. Star. 

I know I'm not totally great about letting you know here when new stuff has been published over in Examiner.com land, but as always, I invite you to wander over and see what's been going on that you might love. And hey, if you join my Facebook Fan Page, Parenting, Kid Talk, and TV Moms you'll never miss a step - I always post links there. I hope you'll pop over there anyways, we've been sitting at 45 peeps for some time, and it's time to grow! 

Until next time, wishing you lots of love, laughter, and silliness. 

~ Billings Early Childhood/Parenting Examiner
~ National TV Moms Examiner